Posts Tagged ‘FDI regulations’

South Korea, foreign investment restrictions on the OECD 6

July 5th, 2010

FDI regulations published by the OECD 2010 index according to Iceland to South Korea 0.142 ( 0.430 ), Mexico ( 0.264 ) New Zealand ( 0.263 ), Japan ( .241 ) , Canada ( 0.153 ) followed by six ranks . Index of FDI restrictions on foreign direct investment and related institutions are broken down into four categories to produce Rate 0-1 , closer to 1 means a high number of regulatory intensity .

Korea’s FDI regulatory restrictions stock index sectors, look at the highest executive of the 0.139 0.001 nationality restrictions , regulations and other companies operating in the 0.002 each.

Among OECD members Luxembourg NetherlandsFDI restrictions index is just a fact of 0.004 does not limit foreign investment were reported . Following Portugal ( 0.006 ) , Belgium ( .016 ) , Spain ( 0.019 ) Germany( 0.025 ), Finland ( 0.040 ), Slovakia ( 0.049 ) was followed by regulatory strength .