Posts Tagged ‘Australasia’

Australasian Companies Prefer Asia for Investments

October 11th, 2011

According to a recent report by professional services organization, Ernst & Young, it seems that these days the most preferred region for Australasian companies to make their investments is in the Asia Pacific region.  The study by the firm was conducted in September 2011, and looked at a thousand business executives around the world.

More than 70 percent of Australasian companies would choose the Asia Pacific region to make their investments, the study found.  Looking internationally, almost half of investors would likewise also choose the same region.  Out of the entire region, the main countries investors choose seem to be: China, India, Malaysia and Singapore.

Investors Priorities

When it comes to what investors are seeking, over half of the companies are focusing on growth (slightly more than a few months ago, when the figure was just under half) and 42 percent are concentrating on preserving stability (this figure has increased 9 percent from April).  Over the same time frame, there has been a decrease in the companies looking for survival (from 18 to 7 percent) which is definitely a good thing since it is indicative that economically things are looking up and that the recession isn’t necessarily paramount on every investors mind these days.  In fact, the 7 percent figure is the lowest it has been since the study began back in 2009; clearly good news for recessional worries.

China Popularity

So why is it so popular – and this has been the case for a long time – to invest in China?  According to an article in Seeking Alpha, there are five main reasons.  First, the country’s huge population (which is almost double of that of America) results in a large customer count. Second, the amount of different types of investments available due to the sheer volume of the companies and businesses there.  Third, the national pride that exists in the country’s companies.  Fourth, the idea of sovereign protection in the country; China is working on encouraging its citizens to increase consumption in the country.  Fifth, the recent appreciation of the Yuan.

So it makes sense that investors are looking towards Asia – and more specifically China – to put their capital.