Malaysia-Argentina: Export and Import

April 9th, 2015 by admin Leave a reply »

ArgentinaArgentina is seeking out investments in Malaysia. The region offers easy government regulations for such economic relations. In particular, Sabah is being sought out as a potential investment hub. Indeed, according to Datuk Seri Gan Sau Wah, President of the Sabah United Chinese Chambers of Commerce (SUCC).

“Argentina is well known for its agricultural field and we thought that it would be a good idea that we have Argentine businessmen coming into Sabah to invest as the State is rich with various natural resources and has a friendly as well as prosperous population.”

Back in 1997 Malaysia and Argentina signed an agreement “for reciprocal exemption with respect to taxes on income from the operation of ships and aircraft in international traffic.” Five years thereafter, exports from Argentina to Malaysia were valued at approximately $218 million; Malaysia to Argentina – $43 million.

The bulk of what goes from Argentina to Malaysia is from the agricultural and industrial industries; from Malaysia to Argentina it is capital and intermediate goods.


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