Large Investments in Central Asia

January 18th, 2016 by admin Leave a reply »

investmentIn 2015, the Central Asian region received a “record amount” of investment from the EBRD (the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development). This was an increase of a staggering 75 percent from €803 million to €1,402.3 million. In total, Central Asia has thus received just over €10 billion from the ERBD.  According to Natalia Khanjenkova, EBRD Managing Director for Central Asia and Turkey:

“The EBRD is ever more dedicated to the market transition of the economies of Central Asia, and last year’s record investment is only one of the areas where the Bank has boosted activity. We are also actively engaged in supporting policy reform on green energy, diversification, the investment climate and the role of the private sector. An upcoming EBRD-FT Central Asia Investment Forum on 18 February in Istanbul will discuss ways of boosting investment in the region even further.”

So what’s the story with 2016? Some experts are predicting that this trend of large investments will continue this year. The ANREV (Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles) found that for those investing in the Asia Pacific, Sydney and Melbourne will still be most popular. Indeed, over half of those surveyed by the ANREV actually said they would “increase their investments in property in the next two years and are looking at investing in Europe first, then in the US followed by Asia Pacific.” Tokyo has also become a popular destination.

So in terms of investments and FDI’s, look no further than Asia.


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