Archive for July, 2010

Agricultural Bank of China listed A shares to secure this issue price

July 15th, 2010

Agricultural Bank of China A + H shares will be listed in the Shanghai and Hong Kong listing for 15 and 16 days. Investors were worried that stocks were listed below their market value on the first day that the Agricultural Bank issued the price. Head of the office Sheng Chuannong urged investors not to hurry to sell .


South Korea, foreign investment restrictions on the OECD 6

July 5th, 2010

FDI regulations published by the OECD 2010 index according to Iceland to South Korea 0.142 ( 0.430 ), Mexico ( 0.264 ) New Zealand ( 0.263 ), Japan ( .241 ) , Canada ( 0.153 ) followed by six ranks . Index of FDI restrictions on foreign direct investment and related institutions are broken down into four categories to produce Rate 0-1 , closer to 1 means a high number of regulatory intensity .

Korea’s FDI regulatory restrictions stock index sectors, look at the highest executive of the 0.139 0.001 nationality restrictions , regulations and other companies operating in the 0.002 each.

Among OECD members Luxembourg NetherlandsFDI restrictions index is just a fact of 0.004 does not limit foreign investment were reported . Following Portugal ( 0.006 ) , Belgium ( .016 ) , Spain ( 0.019 ) Germany( 0.025 ), Finland ( 0.040 ), Slovakia ( 0.049 ) was followed by regulatory strength .