Iljin Diamond, 10 Billion Investment for Expansion

June 29th, 2010 by admin Leave a reply »

Iljin Diamond LED and Solar Cutting lines and industrial boards plan to invest 100 billion yuan in the next year .

The recent global economic recovery , coupled with growth in the LED and solar industries are increasing the demand for new investment decisions and judgments , they said. Solar LED substrate side and the actual cutting Iljin powder fields sales were 7 billion up from 700 million last year. This year it was increased 10 times to 200 billion .

A company official  said, ” The board affirmed an investment in precision material cutting products and cutting powder and the high value-added products. ” He said ” less than 20% by the end of the scale of the value-added product sales will increase by 40 percent , ” he said.


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